

蔣經國先生在1974年來到位於台南永康的舍下成光精密工業有限公司」,了解「精密工業」到底是啥?而且殷殷囑咐我們要「利用厚生善用我們郭家在府城幾百年的工商基礎,經由「產業外交/國民外交/城市外交」協助政府和鄉親走進國際社會;首先,我們父子協助台南市政府和美國加州矽谷的聖荷西(San Jose)締結姐妹市,為「台灣-矽谷」搭起了一座橋,幫助矽谷和鄉親創業成功。




默默地做,天知地知就可以了。然而,外交部突然在昨天的例會,信口雌黃地抹黑廠商東建安(Autoland Technology)—恰好立昌是該企業創辦之初的資深顧問,目前是舍弟在經營的私人企業。

根據《聯合新聞網1222()報導:「外交部稱台廠捐捷克口罩機又反悔 業者駁斥是不實消息」外交部發言人歐江安今天在例會上表示,台南廠商「東建安」原捐贈5套高階醫療立體口罩生產線給捷克,卻變卦不再無償捐贈;東建安總經理郭立霖下午反駁批「外交部發言未經查證」,要求外交部有任何相關問題,應先與業者聯繫溝通,以免對各方造成傷害。而當時市長黃偉哲曾特別到「東建安」頒發感謝狀,下午聽到外交部消息也感到意外,並表示會去查證了解到底是怎麼一回事。

捷克參議院議長韋德齊(Milos Vystrcil) 8月率團訪台,為表達友好情誼,舍弟郭立霖表示願捐贈5條口罩生產線給捷克,惟台灣與捷克並非邦交國,又有一中原則的枷鎖,捷克總理巴比斯(Andrej Babis)說:「不會接受來自台灣的捐贈。」(It would not accept donations from Taiwan) 所以透過非政府組織(NGO) InoCure和捷台商會接洽「歐洲呼吸防護具研發中心(ECVVR),捷克因無力負擔5條生產線,最後協商捐4條口罩生產線;2個月來,捐贈20萬片高階立體口罩給捷克國家物資局,也已交由外交部送達。舍弟表示:「在此最需努力協助捷克友人防疫時刻,外交部卻出言傷害廠商,難以理解且深感遺憾。」

翻開今天(12/23)的報紙,英文報紙《台北時報》(Taipei Times)TAIWAN台灣新聞3」即以標題「Profit furor over Czech mask donation(捷克口罩捐贈帶來暴利)其內容如下:

Taipei Times  Wed, Dec 23, 2020 page3

Profit furor over Czech mask donation

The Central News Agency (CNA) on Sunday reported that Tainan-based automatic device manufacturer Autoland Technology Co (東建安) was set to realize its promise to Czech Senate President Milos Vystrcil to donate five automated mask production lines to the European nation, a promise it made in September to thank Vystrcil for visiting Taiwan.

Due to political and legal issues, the company was planning to donate four lines to Czech businesses and a fifth to the Czech government, although the government-to-government route might not be workable, CNA said.

Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-cher, second right, visits Autoland Technology Co. in Tainan in an undated photograph. (Photo courtesy of Tainan City Government)

However, the “donation” is being overshadowed by the questions about whether it would involve Autoland making a profit and how the recipients of the lines were picked.

Ministry spokeswoman Joanne Ou (歐江安) at a news briefing in Taipei said that Autoland initially planned to donate five mask production lines to the Czech government, but it has since opted to donate four lines to Czech businesses.

If such a donation was made to the Czech government, the ministry would be glad to see it happen, Ou said, adding that if the donation were made to Czech businesses and involved Autoland making a profit, neither the Taiwanese nor Czech governments would be involved.

“If it is a charitable donation, it should be free of profit-making; if it is a business transaction, the company should follow the regulations in the recipient nation,” she said.

The government plans to donate a mask production line to the Czech government, Ou said, adding that the ministry would provide further information when the details of the donation had been agreed.

The government’s donation is for humanitarian reasons and would be made through its own channels without involving the company, she said.

Autoland general manager Kuo Li-lin (郭立霖) said via telephone that the company’s donation does not involve any commercial profit, but there are some tax issues to be tackled.

The government had promised to help with air freight costs, but now the company would pay for the shipment itself, he said.

Autoland could not make the donation to the Czech government because Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis said it would not accept donations from Taiwan, he added.

The recipient of the company’s donation would be the European Centralised Virtual Vehicle Register, an enterprise cofounded by Czech materials supplier InoCure and mask producer Good Mask, Kuo said, adding that 5 percent of the masks produced would be donated to the Czech Senate for distribution to state medical facilities.

The Czech-Taiwanese Business Chamber helped to select the recipients, after Autoland required that the recipients be friendly to Taiwan, familiar with mask production and able to visit Taiwan for technical training, he said.

從以上台北時報的標題「捷克口罩捐贈帶來暴利」即傷害到有心布施,協助歐洲抗疫的台灣民間有志之士;接著,外交部宣佈:「將透過政府管道捐贈口罩生產線給布拉格」與捷克總理巴比斯所言之「不會接受來自台灣的捐贈」完全不符,因為「政府對政府的路徑是行不通的(the government-to-government route might not be workable)。不過,《中央社》今天(12/23)報導「捷台商會:肯定口罩產線捐贈方案 將監督順利完成表示,台灣捐贈捷克的呼吸防護具生產線將由具相關專業能力、受過訓練的捷克企業承接,這是捷克參議院議長維德齊率團訪問台灣又一項正面成果,商會將監督這項慈善捐贈案順利完成。捷台商會會長狄維什(Pavel Diviš)今天回覆中央社書面詢問表示:「捐贈案『符合所有歐盟及捷克共和國相關法規』;承接方(Recipient) InoCure具足夠的醫療物資生產專業,且願意即刻派遣技術人員赴台受訓。」狄維什又說:「在訪台之前及期間,商會未曾與東建安接洽;捐贈案是維德齊訪台行具體成果之一。」

在捷克推動對台經貿關係與雙邊產業合作的捷台商會針對此事發布新聞稿說:「東建安(Autoland Technology)捐贈目的是『確保捷克在國內生產相關醫衛用具能自給自足』;東建安為贈禮設下慈善條件,即產線的承接方必須接受訓練,並承諾將固定地為捷克民眾製造呼吸防護具。這些呼吸防護具的接收者,要由捷克參議院決定。商會表示,東建安選擇捷克企業InoCure為產線承接方;InoCure曾參加維特齊率領的訪台代表團。 InoCure人員上週在台灣完成受訓,因此成為獲東建安認證、符合前述產線捐贈條件的夥伴。根據官網介紹,捷台商會是獨立的「非政府、非營利組織」,會員包括大型及中小型企業、專業機構、智庫及個人。







聯合新聞網1222() https://udn.com/news/story/6656/5112877

(外交部稱台廠捐捷克口罩機又反悔 業者駁斥是不實消息)

Taipei Times


(Profit furor over Czech mask donation)


(捷台商會:肯定口罩產線捐贈方案 將監督順利完成)

https://wtgtintwn.blogspot.com/2020/11/blog-post.html (資訊經濟的天命)

https://wtgtintwn.blogspot.com/2020/11/6g.html (6G的研發已經啟動)

https://apec-experiences.blogspot.com/2020/11/apec-2020.html (APEC 2020領袖宣言重點)

https://pkapec.blogspot.com/2020/12/iia-tes.html (IIA-TES投資美國)





愛迪生 (Thomas Edison)